Thursday Oct 22: Two openings in Chelsea


Dot Editions is happy to announce two exhibitions opening this Thursday: Josh Gosfield at Steven Kasher Gallery and Maya Suess at AC Institute [Direct Chapel]

Josh Gosfield made use of Dot Editions studio rental to print his upcoming show, opening at the Steven Kasher Gallery, 521 West 23 Street. The exhibition will feature over fifty prints, all devoted to covering the life of Gigi Gaston - the Black Flower. Josh meticulously created the life of a 1960’s French chanteuse, through magazine and newspaper clippings, album covers, fan posters, and a documentary, following her rise as a celebrity, love affairs and marriage, divorce, drama, and mysterious disappearance.

Maya Suess came to Dot Editions to produce prints for her exhibition, It It and the Gimme Box. This work is a playful look at our relationship with consumer objects. The three images Dot Editions printed were of costumed individuals representing a key, earbuds, and a paper trail. These photographs, all over six feet tall, accompany a video with sensors and interactive programming, of three original songs, performed as playful music videos within small booths placed around the gallery. AC Institute [Direct Chapel] is located at 547 W. 27th St, 5th Floor.